BVPPC (42/63)

From:Justin Young
Date:26 May 2000 at 01:15:44
Subject:Re: There's something up with my BVision...

Hello Neil

On 26-May-00, you wrote:

> Hello Wannes
>>> Seriously, it works perfectly without ANY fans, heatsinks, washers under
>>> the cooler, tower case off, etc. I don't even have any extra power feeds
>>> on the PPC or the motherboard.
>> HUH? are you lying to me boy? it simply cannot be.... if i remove 1 of my 3
>> fans, the whole thing goes rodeo on
>> my ass...
> Wannes, would I lie to you? :) No, I am deadly serious here. My BVision
> works without ANY cooling or extra power, and with my Power Tower case on. I
> don't understand it either.

I was running under similar circumstances for a while. I found that my machine
would only run reliably when I unplugged the cooling fan. The problem with
this was it wouldn't run at all until ten minutes after I had switched the
machine on.
What I found was that, the fan would cool the PPC chip for a few minutes,
but then it would stop the heatsink from extracting the heat from the PPC
chip and it would overheat.
Without the fan, the chip would initially overheat, but after ten minutes
the heatsink would start to extract heat from the PPC chip, so it would then
start to work properly.
What I have now done is I have placed a thin piece of metal between the
PPC chip and the heat sink. Now I can run my machine with the fan going which
I imagine would be a lot better for it in the long term. It also runs even
more reliably than before.


Justin Young

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